Wednesday, May 2, 2012

NKE Madness

So I'm writing this post today while sitting in the chair at my hairdressers. I have some time waiting for my dye to process, so I thought I'd pay some attention to my poor neglected blog.

I write the NKE exam this Saturday, so my studying's gone pretty much insane. In my opinion, the worst part about this exam is not being sure if you're studying the right things. For me, I think most of the uncertainty stems from the fact that the RPCs listed on the CHRP website are very broad, and there is no study guide put out by the CCHRA. I tend yo be a pretty thorough person, so there's a little voice in my head whispering to me that I'm not studying right because I'm not working from my usual comprehensive listing. If I do fail, (which, realistically, is more than possible- 60% of people do,) I will register to write it again in October. At that point, I will have the consolation of having written the thing once already and knowing better what the content will be.

I'm feeling generally anxious, which is pretty common for me before a test. I take solace in the fact that the NKE is really more about the application of your knowledge than testing recall, because I'm fairly confident about that. The last practice exam I took went fairly well, though I struggled most with Labour Relations. That didn't surprise me; I have no experience with Labour Relations whatsoever, so that's been a big study area for me. Staffing is probably my best area.

It's gotten to the point that I eat, sleep, and breathe HR. Don't get me wrong, I've really been an HR nerd for some time, but right now I find myself assessing nearly everything from a strategic HR standpoint, including the business setup at my hairdressers. Fortunately she's been very patient with me, even as I sit here with flash cards while my hair is cut.


  1. Hi, I truly understand what you are going through.
    I am writing my exam tomorrow as well. feeling extremely anxious, nervous and stressed.

  2. I wish you luck! I'm trying to relax a little tonight and make sure I get good sleep. At this point, I either know my stuff well enough or I don't. I guess we'll see.
