Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It's getting difficult to still be on hold in terms of where we are going. It's tremendously stressful for my husband, who still doesn't know whether he's gotten in to law school or not, and it's stressful for me, who hates to be without some kind of plan. Most days I manage ok, but every once in a while something comes along that makes it hard not to grit my teeth.

On Monday, I met with my mentor to discuss my latest project and how to proceed. During the course of the conversation, we settled some stuff, and moved things along nicely. (Finished product on the CEO's desk- yay me!) And then he asked me what it would take to keep me with the company.

Now, I don't know about any of you superstars out there, but I don't often get asked by senior management what it would take to keep me. I really don't. These things don't happen all that often! And I had to say, 'I don't know.' Not the answer I'd hoped to give, either.

Of course, I went on to explain that first, I need to know where I'm going to be by September. Then I got to go ahead and name my price. So to speak. So I told him that first of all, I recognize that there may not be a budget to create a full time HR role for me at the moment, and that I would be willing to wait a year or two for it. The caveat to that is that I am not willing to continue doing the same thing I'm doing now. That's been boring for at least a couple of years already; that's why I started taking on the HR projects in the first place. Then he asked me if I'd be happy with a management role, and I said yes. I think further management experience would be a good thing for me, and can be a proper challenge. It would also continue to allow me to develop further HR projects for the company and really make my mark. So that's possible. Certainly if we stay here in Victoria, there are a couple of managerial positions likely to open up in the next little while, and my mentor was kind enough to say that he would love to see what I could do with one position in particular. The problem, of course, is that I can't commit to anything yet!!

So, things proceed apace. I go from thinking the future there looks pretty good, to being told there probably isn't anything there for me, to being asked what it would take to keep me there, and not being able to answer.

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